Saturday, December 17, 2011

Attending A Costume Party

The kid were invited last December 11 to attend our neighbors son, my kids
friend. The birthday theme is a Cosplay and wearing a costume is required.
Luckily, the old Superman, Batman and Strawberry costumes still fit my kids.
These were their costume on last year's Halloween. We were not able to
attend any this year since we were in Singapore that time.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Intramuros Part 2

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Kids Visited Intramuros

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Odd or Even

While I was busy making a reviewer for Francis for addition, he is also making his own with an instruction to color yellow if its odd or blue for even.

Now he is busy completing his own reviewer.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Golden Retriever "Cindy"

This is the first dog that daddy bought for us. But since we stayed in a
condo before, so we left Cindy in the warehouse for Lolo Boy to take care
to. We visit her every now and then.

He is in the cage but play outside every afternoon.

Construction Assistant

We have a construction worker in the house. He likes to tinker his bike
using daddy's pliers and others. This time, he is helping Tito Boyet on the
renovation of Pink Mango Canteen restroom.

Wanna help him?